In order to use Precision Cooking or Guided cooking with Hestan Cue cookware and a GE Profile cooktop, you'll need to COMPLETE the entire process listed below. 

Add Hestan Cue cookware on a GE Profile cooktop:

On your Profile cooktop (the physical stove):

  • First, ensure your Hestan Cue cookware has a good battery installed
  • Tap Settings --> Bluetooth ---> Add device 
  • When the Profile cooktop is in Pair mode, tap on the Hestan Cue cookware handle for up to 60 seconds, or until you hear a chime from the cooktop (meaning it's successfully paired).  

Add the GE Profile (Cooktop) to the Hestan Cue app:

  • Open the Hestan Cue app on your smart device
  • Navigate to Profile
  • Tap on "add smart cooktop"
  • Scroll down to Profile cooktop"
  • You'll be asked to download the GE "SmartHQ" app and go through the setup process first (if you've already done this step, please proceed)
  • You'll be asked to  "link your account" (so that the GE app can link with the Hestan Cue app)
  • You'll be prompted to "sign into my smart HQ" (use the GE credentials) 
  • You'll be asked to choose your cooktop --> select PROFILE --> then finish setup.
  • After adding the Profile cooktop as a device, you'll also need to "Add Smart Cookware" (e.g. the pan) such that the pan and profile cooktop BOTH appear in the Hestan Cue app "Device" list.

Note: After this has completed, wait 10 seconds and the Profile cooktop should be listed under "My Devices" in the Hestan Cue app. If it doesn't, please try running through the process a 2nd time and ensure no errors appear along the way. 

Reminder: only the Front-left burner is compatible with "Guided cooking" using the Hestan Cue app. 

Tip: Here's instructions on using Precision Cooking without the Cue app. 

Precsion cooking --> on/off --> tap handle of cookware