After purchasing an eligible GE cooktop/appliance, you may be eligible for a free Hestan Cue 11" stainless steel pan.
To claim your free Hestan Cue pan, please follow the directions below: 
  1. Go here:
  2. Scroll down and select "Get My Pan"
  3. Fill in your shipping details (name, address, phone, email, etc.). Remember: no P.O. Boxes please. 
  4. Type in your GE serial number in the "Discount Code" box on the right side of the Check Out screen. If you are using a small screen (like a phone or tablet) you will need to tap on the "show order summary" pull-down menu where you'll be able to find the “Discount Code” box.
    NOTE: Your Cafe Induction Serial Number can be found underneath your cooktop or on the registration card. The serial number will look similar to this: "RL743229B". However, you must enter the letters "SN" before your serial number. So in the example above, what you'd type in would be: SNRL743229B.