With traditional sous vide circulators, the water passes through a heating element within the circulator to raise the water's temperature. The pump within the circulator keeps the water flowing and moving (read: forced circulation) to ensure an even heat distribution. 

Hestan Cue accomplishes sous vide cooking without a circulator, using the Smart Probe, a pot, and a Hestan Cue cooktop. 

Controlling a water bath without circulation is different. Without forced circulation, we are relying on natural convection currents to equilibrate temperatures. Natural convection currents are, of course, much slower than an impeller or other form of forced circulation (found inside a sous vide circulator). To manage this, we must slow down the rate of heating when food is present.

The result is twofold. First, since our water bath is mixed by convection we are heating slower, which increases the time to recover temperature, adding cook time. Second, without forced circulation, the food can produce what we call a "cold blanket" which is local cold water immediately surrounding your food. To manage this, once again the answer is adding more time.

Our Sous Vide control algorithm is very precise and ensures the water never overheats, but without circulation, we have to use a little extra patience. In each of our app guided recipes, the correct time has been calibrated for the system we are using to ensure the food is cooked correctly. In Control Mode, we would recommend adding time to any Sous Vide recipe you are following.