Yes. The cookware required to cook a specific recipe will be indicated via a unique cookware icon. Some recipes give you the option of choosing which cookware you wish to use. In the "Glazed Carrots" example below, you could choose to use either the 11" pan, the 5.5qt Chef's Pot, or the 3.5qt sauce pot. Other recipes are exclusive to a specific piece of cookware (e.g. you can only use the 11" pan, and not a pot, for example). In each case, please be aware of the cookware icons so you know what cookware you'll need when choosing a recipe. You can find recipes specifically designed for the pot (or pan, etc.) by using "filters".

How to find cookware specific recipes in the Hestan Cue app:

  1. Navigate to a specific cooking category (such as "Dinner"), or use the "Search" function.
  2. Tap the "Filter" icon located towards the top right of the screen. If using the "Search" function, the "Filters" icon is located towards the bottom of the screen.
  3. Within "Vessel type" Choose "Pot" (or pan, etc.) and tap "Done". 
  4. The resulting list will showcase all the available pot recipes for that specific category.
    TIP: If you own an oven, then you can cook Cue Oven recipes too! Be sure to select "oven" as a vessel type.

After choosing a recipe, please remember to choose the correct number of servings, and then select the exact cookware you'll be using to cook the recipe before you "start cooking". Note: the serving size you choose may mandate a specific cookware type. For example, you can't make 6 servings in the 11" pan because the pan is just too small. See screenshot below: